This was my favourite article from the first edition of Tickle the imagination. Did you guess it?

Thetis from Little Sooti blog gave a lovely glimpse at the behind the scenes making of this Little Red Riding Hood dessert scape, I felt emersed in it! I love how eerie it is. A little bit dark and mysterious...and I really love that the rain that started as a problem, turned into something that I think made this inspiration shoot all the better for it!

The clincher for me was this video from photographer Laura Cioccia - make sure your sound is on!
Well done to all involved. It's a stand out.
For full details see Thetis' post here.
Oh MY GOODNESS...I LOVE this!! I've been tossing around the idea of doing a little red riding hood party(the furthest I've gotten with it is the outfit for me..lol), now I'm totally convinced it has to be done. What an awesome photoshoot!!