With our possessions still not here from our move, I'll be operating on a fairly minimal baby basis for the first few weeks. One, I don't think babies really need that much in the early stages, and two I can't even remember what baby paraphernalia is in our container, so I don't really want to go out and buy stuff that I already have!
I have been collecting a little bit of baby love though here. Babies are so new and lovely....
Stay in touch here for the breaking news if you don't follow already. I'm sure I'll be posting there first.
Here are a few things I've come across this week that I thought you might enjoy:
:: Adjusting to the changes of blogging
:: I would so love a photo shoot like this with our family. Maybe at the Ekka this year?!
:: Make a labour pack for a friend
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Love Jordan : )
P.S It's not too late to get your free "Love is..." wall print. Stay tuned for printed version of this in my shop really soon!
Image // Love stickers from our Valentines dinner by Polkadot Prints
Great Post….. I read a few of your other posts.