Friday, June 20, 2014


Ice Cream Wall Print Series | by Polkadot Prints Ice Cream Wall Print Series | by Polkadot Prints Ice Cream Wall Print Series | by Polkadot Prints
I have been working on updating some of my most popular invitations lately and my ice cream stationery is one of the lucky ones. It includes some new illustrated ice creams and icy poles (or popsicles for my North American friends!) and I thought they were worthy of a feature of their own.

Wouldn't these look fun in a playroom, dining room or even outdoor space? Yummo!

Wall art available in my shop.

Well, signing off for the week. What do you have planned for the weekend? We have a bit of errand running to do, and then a whole lot of nothing because it's holidays for three weeks in this house! Yay for the school-free days! : )


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P.S I had to put the verification back on as spam was well...spamming me! : )