Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Well, hope you all had a lovely long weekend those of you in the right state - happy birthday Queen! It's time for me to catch you up on all that has been going on around here the past couple of weeks while I've been 'underground'!

One project I was so happy to be involved in was a photo shoot for Etta Photography (you may remember my sisters wedding earlier this year and those gorgeous photos - And I still have to show you more of that wedding...but alas, another day! :)
Maddie is the talent behind those images and so when she asked me to help her design some elements for a 'Love Story' shoot, of course I made sure I squeezed it in!

So vintage and fun!
You can see the full shoot here - seriously do it!

Thanks for the opportunity Maddie! x

Photography :: Etta Photography
Printables & Paper Props :: Polkadot Prints
Black beaded Headpiece :: Grace Designs


  1. Beautiful photography & I love the giant hearts - very clever! Elise

  2. Oh how fun! you've gotten such pretty things! Im collecting doilies now. I think they look so pretty framed in embroidery hoops on the wall, and want to make some bunting out of them too! Ah, fun with doilies ;)
    Great article. I invite you to visit the following post related to this topic
    Dos punto cero vision
    Dieta Mediterránea
    Simulador de credito hipotecario

  3. Love the elements! and the text is *spot on* for the mood of those photos! :)

    Would love to see a kids version - a set for mothers day and fathers day.


So great to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I'll always answer your questions so please check back for a reply! xo

P.S I had to put the verification back on as spam was well...spamming me! : )