Thursday, November 1, 2012


Well Groomed | Guy Wedding Inspiration  via
I stumbled upon this well-designed site recently and thought is was such a great concept. A resource just for grooms. From style suggestions, groomsmen etiquette, and a whole swag of images focusing on the guys side of the wedding (warning to any bead-a-phobic's there are a lot of 'arty beards'!).

There's also a "DIY for Guys" section. With some fun ideas like a proposal in a box, and 'will you be my groomsman' printables. I know a few guys who would have actually do some of these ideas!

Have you seen any great wedding ideas lately?

Images // Well Groomed


  1. well i rarely leaves comment on any site but your blog is really so amazing that i can't stop myself from making comment on it...

  2. Thanks "High School Diploma Online", I appreciate such a 'genuine' comment!! : )


So great to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I'll always answer your questions so please check back for a reply! xo

P.S I had to put the verification back on as spam was well...spamming me! : )