Monday, March 12, 2012


I want to create an activity bag for Levi for our long-haul flight. He'll watch movies and play games on the iPad I know, but I wanted to add a few fun things that will occupy him without having a screen in front of his cute little face the whole time. Enter my "Marshmallow Construction Kit"!
Photobucket Photobucket
I used an IKEA Grundtal tin filled with mini marshmallows and toothpicks decorated with a Flying High tin topper. Think skyscraper designs, funny animals or crazy invention. And the real kicker? Photobucket
You get to eat them when you're done. That's few extra minutes of occupied time - bonus! Fourteen hours should fly by don't you think?!

Printable Stationery Collection available for purchase // Flying High 


  1. Brilliant! I put something similar in our Christmas Bon bons the year before last - great fun. Not quite as cool as yours though in the funky aero plane tin!

  2. I can totally see these in a Bon Bon at Christmas! You could have a sculpture contest while waiting for dessert or something...:)

  3. I love all your ideas for flying with kids and will definitely make some of them for my grandkids for when they fly home after visiting me.

  4. Thanks Betty! I like that idea - it means they get to take a little bit of 'grandma' home with them too!

  5. Alright-y then, I'm glad I could finally show ya..I mean it's been like 5 days!
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